What is 52 Parindey Fellowship?

The 52 Parindey Fellowship is a 6 months long programme for youth exploring meaningful and regenerative livelihoods oriented towards social and ecological wellbeing, and dreaming of a sustainable, equitable and just world. It is a leadership journey designed and co-created by the fellows and Travellers’ University.

The fellowship will serve as an immersive on-ground learning experience for the fellows to explore meaningful and regenerative livelihoods (Alivelihoods) by travelling, living with, learning from and documenting the life journeys of Alivelihood practitioners (Parindeys) engaged in socially and ecologically conscious pursuits. It will provide them with practical understanding in the domain areas of their interest (such as Conservation, Education, Waste Management, etc.).

The Premise

Our world, as we see it, is changing at a rapid pace. We are in the middle of a climate crisis. Thousands of species of flora and fauna  are on the verge of extinction. Economic inequality has never been higher than now in the whole history of humanity. This digital age and the advancement of technology are offering both complex challenges as well as unique opportunities to reimagine a better world for all beings and act towards it.

In this time of change we need people who are courageous, creative, cognizant, and not afraid to make mistakes. We need youth with the knowledge, skills, and mindset to navigate through these most pressing problems to bring a positive change. And a growing number of youth are looking for livelihood opportunities which are both personally fulfilling and that can address the plural crises observed in the world today.


Sharing the stories of unique individuals and their vocations from across the country

സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യത്തിന്റെ ശാല

Facilitating Personal and Communal Well-being: HaiJalo, Making it Happen

The Saga of a Seed Saver

Enabling the Spirit to Soar

What can Traditional Fishing Communities Teach us about Sustainability?

Emancipation through Education: Vimal Kumar and his Movement for Scavenger Community

A Nomad for whom the World is a Home

Preserving the Santali Self: History, Memory, and Culture

SAAD Agronics: Toxin-free Produce and Trade

Decoding Politics: Of, in, about Food

Kanavu: The Home of Scintillating Butterflies

Dancing into Consciousness